Question % Yes % No
Have you contacted the Athens Co Sheriff's Office in the past, because you were concerned about a certain issue? 68 32
Do you feel safe walking during the day or night in Jacksonville? 51 49
Do you think Jacksonville should establish a curfew for juveniles? 97 3
Do you feel Jacksonville needs a police protection? 86 14
Do you feel safe in your home? 69 31
Do you feel theft or robberies are a concern? 92 8
Do you feel speeding cars are a concern? 83 17
Do you feel speeding is an issue with ATV's or Four-Wheelers? 56 44
Do you feel noise is an issue with ATV's or Four-Wheelers? 51 49
Do you feel noisy cars are an issue? 61 39
Do you feel there needs to be a neighborhood crime watch created in Jacksonville? 97 3
Please note, Safety Committee issued 183 surveys. 77 Returned = 42% return rate
Please note, out of the 77 returned. 27 surveys had additional comments.